Tag: Fort Berens

Is the BC 2016 Vintage Any Good?

 mywinepal  April 24, 2017

Should you stock up on the red and white wines from BC’s 2016 vintage?  BC wines are known for their fruit flavours and their accompanying natural acidity.  But the 2016 started very early and hot in the Spring, with bud break being the earliest on record.  In the Okanagan bud break was as much as six weeks early. Would this…

The Latest BC VQA Wines for You to Enjoy in 2016

 mywinepal  September 25, 2016

I love to support our BC wineries.  I watched over the many years as the number of wineries has grown as well as the quality improved.  Wine critics from here as well as around the world, have tasted our wines, celebrated the quality, and told others.  Now you can find BC wines around the world, from Hong Kong to London….

Tightrope Pinot Noir

First Round of BC Pinot Noir Wines Reviewed

 mywinepal  July 10, 2016  2 Comments on First Round of BC Pinot Noir Wines Reviewed

Progress is well underway in the BC Pinot Noir Review, although you may not see things happening.  Working diligently, I have been tasting and writing detailed notes on the BC Pinot Noirs you see below, and many more to come.  In addition, I am tasting many of these wines with Sam Hauck, @Sam_WineTeacher on Twitter, who belongs to the BC Guild…

BC VQA Fall Release 2013

MyWinePal Picks from the 2013 Colour BC VQA Fall Release Tasting

 mywinepal  September 6, 2013

Have you ever felt like you have a daunting task, but persevere with the hope you will discover a few gold nuggets? I’m sure many BC prospectors felt this as they searched for gold in Barkerville and further north. This is also how I feel when I attend the Colour BC VQA tastings. There are so many BC VQA wines…

Enjoying BC Paired: Indulge Your Senses! at #VanWineFest

 mywinepal  March 12, 2013  1 Comment on Enjoying BC Paired: Indulge Your Senses! at #VanWineFest

The British Columbia Wine Institute welcomed me and a room full of other revelers to the “BC Paired: Indulge Your Senses!” during the Vancouver International Wine Festival. This event was a celebration of BC wines, red, white, sparkling and fortified, paired together with locally sourced BC ingredients prepared to complement the wines. 23 wineries were present to show off their wonderful range…

My Favourite Red Wines for 2012 from Around the World

 mywinepal  December 19, 2012

In my last post I gave you my list of favourite white and sparkling wines that I tasted in 2012.  Hopefully, you can buy a bottle or two for one of your holiday soirees.   My follow-up to that article is my favourite red wines.  With a special request from my friend Kalpna, I have a section for Pinot Noir, but…

My Favourite White and Sparkling Wines for 2012

 mywinepal  December 16, 2012  1 Comment on My Favourite White and Sparkling Wines for 2012

I hazard to guess how many wines I tasted over the past year, but every year I find several gems that I pass along to you as I taste them.  Getting ready for the holiday season, you may be considering buying wines to take to parties, or serving wines at your parties.  What to buy? Here is a list of…

Colour BC VQA Fall Release tasting

Some Amazing Wine Finds at Colour BC VQA Fall Release

 mywinepal  September 25, 2012

BC wines are continuing to make strides around the world.  Last year BC wineries won more than 2000 medals in national and international competition according to the BC Wine Institute.  BC has over 208 wineries today.  We grow over 75 different grape varieties!  Merlot is the most planted grape in BC, and Pinot Gris is the most planted white grape…