Tag: Gehringer Brothers

BC Pinot Noir aromas and flavours feature image

Everything You Wanted to Know About BC Pinot Noir

 mywinepal  November 28, 2016

My journey is complete. After many emails, printing of tasting note sheets, receiving deliveries of BC Pinot Noir, writing tasting notes, locating BC Pinot Noir vineyards, correlating BC Pinot Noir wines with soil and with latitude using a GIS, and making a cool interactive BC Pinot Noir map is complete. But maybe it is also the start of a new…

Tantalus Juveniles and Upper Bench Estate Winery Pinot Noir wines

The Final Round of BC Pinot Noirs Reviewed

 mywinepal  August 3, 2016

The last drops of BC Pinot Noir have crossed my lips, and their wine story has passed to my fingers then notes on paper, and finally this digital review for you.  It has been quite an interesting experience to try all these BC Pinot Noirs, noting all the different flavours and aromas. Of course there are common flavours and aromas, but…

Tightrope Pinot Noir

First Round of BC Pinot Noir Wines Reviewed

 mywinepal  July 10, 2016  2 Comments on First Round of BC Pinot Noir Wines Reviewed

Progress is well underway in the BC Pinot Noir Review, although you may not see things happening.  Working diligently, I have been tasting and writing detailed notes on the BC Pinot Noirs you see below, and many more to come.  In addition, I am tasting many of these wines with Sam Hauck, @Sam_WineTeacher on Twitter, who belongs to the BC Guild…

SpierHead GFV Saddle Block Pinot Noir 2014

BC Pinot Noir Review: Our Samples for the Review

 mywinepal  May 12, 2016

Since I published my initial article, How Does BC Pinot Noir Express Terroir?, I have been receiving bottles of BC Pinot Noir from the 2013 and 2014 vintages, with a few from 2012.  The wineries who has graciously provided me with their wines for this study are: Thornhaven Estates Sperling Vineyards Burrowing Owl Niche Wine Co. Volcanic Hills Seven Directions…

Summerhill Organic Riesling 2013

BC Riesling Review – The Tasting Notes

 mywinepal  October 3, 2015  1 Comment on BC Riesling Review – The Tasting Notes

The hard part of the BC Riesling Review is done.  I tasted through 35 wines over a period of 3 months.  I can say that it has been a very interesting experience.  Below are the notes.  I tasted each wine two times.  The first time was as soon as I poured the wine in my glass.  The second time was…

A trio of Harpers Trail Rieslings

My BC Riesling Review Update

 mywinepal  September 2, 2015  1 Comment on My BC Riesling Review Update

With summer holidays and then the extended power outage due to the wind storm this past weekend, I have finally finished tasting through all the 2013-14 vintages of BC Riesling that I received from BC wineries.  Thank you all.  My next step is to enter all my tasting notes into a database.  The database will be broken down by primary…