Tag: Trivento

Wines of Argentina Malbec World Day

It’s Malbec World Day on April 17. Do You Have a Bottle?

 mywinepal  April 4, 2021

If someone asks you for a wine from Argentina, they would probably mention a bottle of Malbec, from a producer, such as Catena, Norton, or Luigi Bosca, but did you know that this red grape originally comes from the Bordeaux and Cahors regions in France?  It is a permitted blending grape in Bordeaux, but it had a hard time ripening,…

BC Liquor Stores e-news

Wine, Beer and Liquor Special Events at BC Liquor Stores in July

 mywinepal  July 5, 2017

At various BC Liquor Stores in July there will be special tastings of wines, beers, and other liquor.  Find something new at one of these events and continue to enjoy them into August and onward.  Here is the list of events from the BCLDB. ~~~ 39th & CAMBIE KAYAK ADVENTURE WITH GRANVILLE ISLAND BREWING Friday, July 7 4:00 – 7:00…

Select Wines Portfolio tasting

A Few Portfolio Gems from Select Wines Portfolio Tasting

 mywinepal  September 27, 2015

It is always a special time when a wine agency opens their portfolio of wines for you to taste, review, and recommend.  This past week I had a chance to try the wines from Select Wines’ annual portfolio tasting.  With any tasting of this magnitude there will always be more wines than time to taste them.  I try my best…

Select Wines & Spirits logo

Some Select Wines & Spirits Portfolio Gems

 mywinepal  September 21, 2014

One of the definitions in The Free Dictionary of “portfolio” is “A group of investments held by an investor, investment company, or financial institution.” I thought that for a wine & spirits agency those bottles of wines and spirits are an investment to them.  They search out and try to find value, and then share these gems with the public. …

Trivento Amado Sur Torrontes Viognier and Vina Maipo Vitral Sauvignon Blanc

Select Wine & Spirits Portfolio Tasting Recommendations 2013

 mywinepal  September 24, 2013

Have you ever heard of a portfolio tasting?  Most people probably have not, unless you attend wine tastings on a fairly regular basis.  A portfolio tasting is when a wine agency, like Select Wines & Spirits, pours their selection of wine (and spirits) in a casual (usually) walk-about fashion, where you can taste the wines and talk with the rep…

My Valentine’s Day Wine Suggestions

 mywinepal  February 9, 2013

I posted this article for all the star-crossed lovers 2 years ago.  I thought I’d check out the wines, and I’d stand by them all, but in addition, new wines have come to the BC market, so I thought I’d add those ones in too, so enjoy this Valentine’s Day with an even greater range of wine.  And don’t forget…

Try 12 New Wines for 2013 – The First Quarter

 mywinepal  January 17, 2013  2 Comments on Try 12 New Wines for 2013 – The First Quarter

This is not a New Years Resolution. It is too late in January for that.  What this is, is a suggested list of wines, or styles of wines, that you may want to consider trying.  Maybe you have never tried wines from Argentina? Why not?  With my list below, I give some reasons you may want to try these wines. …

My Favourite White and Sparkling Wines for 2012

 mywinepal  December 16, 2012  1 Comment on My Favourite White and Sparkling Wines for 2012

I hazard to guess how many wines I tasted over the past year, but every year I find several gems that I pass along to you as I taste them.  Getting ready for the holiday season, you may be considering buying wines to take to parties, or serving wines at your parties.  What to buy? Here is a list of…

An Excellent Portfolio Tasting with Select Wines & Spirits

 mywinepal  September 17, 2012

I was happy to be invited for the second year in a row to the Select Wines & Spirits’ Annual Portfolio Tasting, held at the Shaughnessy Golf and Country Club.  Last year I found several gems that I passed along to you, and you will read about my latest wine recommendations.  You may want to compare to my last year’s…

A Select Wine Portfolio Review – Some Select Gems

 mywinepal  September 18, 2011  1 Comment on A Select Wine Portfolio Review – Some Select Gems

What is a Portfolio Tasting? If you have never been before, it is a wine tasting held by a wine agent of all, or many of, the wines that they represent.  It is a great place to taste many different wines, typically from different countries, and learn a bit about the style of wines that they carry.  Are they focused…