Tag: Chalk Hill

Charton Hobbs wine portfolio

Charton Hobbs Portfolio Tasting 2024 in Vancouver

 mywinepal  December 4, 2024

When you buy wine in a BC Liquor store, you don’t think about how the wine was selected for the shelves.  Behind the scenes are many wine agencies that search for wines from around the world, to build their portfolio, and have some of their portfolio sold through BC Liquor stores with the remaining wines, usually specialty wines, sold in…

Five Chardonnay from around the world

Exploring Chardonnay: A Global Comparison

 mywinepal  June 21, 2024

When I was in University many years ago, I purchased a bottle of Maison Louis Latour Chardonnay, that was on their entry-level scale.  That wine sparked my interest in French wine.  In some “New World” regions, Chardonnay has been more recently planted, while other locations have had Chardonnay vines for over 100 years.  Over time, through the wine trade’s many…

MyWinePal Top 4.5-5 Star Wines

MyWinePal’s Near Perfect 4.5-5 Star Rated Wines for 2019

 mywinepal  December 19, 2019  1 Comment on MyWinePal’s Near Perfect 4.5-5 Star Rated Wines for 2019

This year I had many wines that I tasted this year that almost made my 5-star category; 27 white wines and 45 red wines.  These wines I rated as 4.5-5 stars.  When I check over them again, I can remember how much I enjoyed these wines.  Having a 4.5-5 or a 5-star rating does not mean that you need to…

VanWineFest 2019 video collage

Winery Principals Share Their Knowledge on Video at VanWineFest 2019

 mywinepal  March 25, 2019

Besides tasting wine and attending seminars during the Vancouver International Wine Festival, I meeting with winery principals at the Festival Tasting Room and doing short video interviews with them.  Here is the list of all the interviews I did.  Many are from California, as this was the theme region for the Festival, but I also have an Australia, France, and…

Assorted California red wines at VanWineFest 2019

My Favourite California Red Wines at VanWineFest 2019

 mywinepal  March 15, 2019

While busily moving through the swell of people interested in tasting big Napa Cabs at the Vancouver International Wine Festival, I wedged myself into tables, and indeed tasted Napa Cabs, but also Pinot Noir, Merlot, Petite Sirah, etc. from various regions in California.  With the short amount of time I’m able to spend at each table, my tasting notes are…

Select Wines Portfolio tasting sign

What to Select from Select Wines’ Portfolio?

 mywinepal  May 12, 2017

Sometimes the best wines around are the ones that are not generally listed in BC Liquor stores.  They are known as Spec or Special Order wines.  You can find these wines through some private wine shops, or you could order them through these shops, but you may need a minimum order size. I attended Select Wines‘ portfolio tasting and enjoyed…

A Few Wine Gems from the Mark Anthony Portfolio 2016

 mywinepal  October 2, 2016

A wine agent’s portfolio tasting typically gives you the chance to try both listed as well as spec wines; wines that may only show up in specialty wine shops or restaurants, in limited quantities.  I have been to Mark Anthony Wine and Spirits‘ portfolio tasting now for a few years, and I am always very impressed by the wineries that…

Select Wines Portfolio tasting

A Few Portfolio Gems from Select Wines Portfolio Tasting

 mywinepal  September 27, 2015

It is always a special time when a wine agency opens their portfolio of wines for you to taste, review, and recommend.  This past week I had a chance to try the wines from Select Wines’ annual portfolio tasting.  With any tasting of this magnitude there will always be more wines than time to taste them.  I try my best…

Mission Hill Family Estate Reserve Riesling and Sauvignon Blanc

A Peek into the Mark Anthony Wine Portfolio

 mywinepal  October 5, 2014

A portfolio tasting is a great place for a restaurateur, liquor store staff, and wine media, like me, to find out about the latest vintages of wines, and brand new wines, for a wine agent’s portfolio.  With a change in season, for example, restaurants may want to change their cooked dishes, and to these dishes they should match up /…

Trivento Amado Sur Torrontes Viognier and Vina Maipo Vitral Sauvignon Blanc

Select Wine & Spirits Portfolio Tasting Recommendations 2013

 mywinepal  September 24, 2013

Have you ever heard of a portfolio tasting?  Most people probably have not, unless you attend wine tastings on a fairly regular basis.  A portfolio tasting is when a wine agency, like Select Wines & Spirits, pours their selection of wine (and spirits) in a casual (usually) walk-about fashion, where you can taste the wines and talk with the rep…