Tag: Thomas Haas

Vancouver Magazine 24th Annual Restaurant Awards

The Winners of Vancouver Magazine 24th Annual Restaurant Awards

 mywinepal  April 24, 2013

Starting a restaurant is hard.  Running a restaurant is hard. Whether you are the owner, chef, wait staff, or any combination of these, you are dedicated, you love food, and what you do.  This week was the Vancouver Magazine 24th Annual Restaurant Awards in Vancouver, celebrating our restaurants, chefs, and staff who have been tantalizing our tastebuds over the past…

My Valentine’s Day Wine Suggestions

 mywinepal  February 9, 2013

I posted this article for all the star-crossed lovers 2 years ago.  I thought I’d check out the wines, and I’d stand by them all, but in addition, new wines have come to the BC market, so I thought I’d add those ones in too, so enjoy this Valentine’s Day with an even greater range of wine.  And don’t forget…