Tag: Andrew Etsell

Coastal BC winemakers harvest 2024

Coastal BC Winemaker’s Harvest 2024 Interview

 mywinepal  December 2, 2024

The BC coastal wineries and the Fraser Valley had a completely different winemaking experience compared to the interior of BC in 2024.  With the cold weather winter snap in the Interior, most of the vitis vinifera vines died so many winemakers had to source grapes from outside of BC; Many chose Washington and Oregon states.  The coastal and Fraser Valley…

Singletree Rosé 2020, Cliff and Gorge Vineyards Pinot Auxerrois 2020, and Baillie-Grohnam Rosé 2020 wines

A Virtual Preview of the BC 2020 Vintage with 3 Winemakers

 mywinepal  May 19, 2021

In November 2020, I interviewed a few BC winemakers about their current harvest. From their discussions, I determined that overall the growing season was average, but there was a cooler rainy spring. August and September had good weather. Harvest started a little later than usual. Rain and the crazy snowfall in October influenced smaller yields, but there was still some…

Singletree Winery

Singletree Winery Virtual Tasting May 22nd – Get Your Bottles!

 mywinepal  May 13, 2020

Have you ever wanted to sit down with a winemaker and have them tell you about the bottle of wine you are enjoying with them?  What was the harvest like?  Did they use indigenous/wild yeasts to ferment the wine?  What oak barrel treatment did they use, if any?  Where is their vineyard located and what makes it unique or special?…

BC 2019 grape harvest winemaker locations

How was the 2019 BC Harvest? 4 Winemakers Give Us Their Take

 mywinepal  December 2, 2019  1 Comment on How was the 2019 BC Harvest? 4 Winemakers Give Us Their Take

In October the Wines of British Columbia sent out a brief media release about the current state of the 2019 Harvest, stating “…Despite a wetter than average September, winemakers are overcoming the challenges they are faced with right now crediting skilled vineyard management and embracing the lower sugars and alcohol levels they are seeing in the wines so far…” It…

Welcome to Singletree Winery sign

News and Upcoming Events from Singletree Winery

 mywinepal  March 28, 2019

Have you tried wines from Singletree Winery?  They are a local, Abbotsford, BC winery that produces wines from their own grapes in the Fraser Valley, but they now have another vineyard located on the Naramata Bench.  This is also the time of the year that BC wineries release the latest vintages of their white wines.  Below is a press release…

BC Harvest 2018 wineries interviewed

An Interview with BC Winemakers About the 2018 Harvest

 mywinepal  November 27, 2018

In early October, the Wines of BC issued a press release and noted “BC’s annual grape harvest has arrived amid cooler temperatures in mid-August and early September. With the long, moderate season, wineries are indicating nice flavour development, beautiful acidity and increased crop levels for an exciting 2018 vintage…Above average Growing Degree Days this spring in BC contributed to an…

Grape vines at harvest in BC 2017

Tell Me About the BC 2017 Harvest – Wine Makers’ Interviews

 mywinepal  December 4, 2017

2017 was a terrible harvest in France due to poor weather conditions through the growing season, producing the smallest grape harvest since 1945. In the United States, Napa and Sonoma Valleys were hit by forest fires which although was late in the harvest, still affected later ripening grapes like Cabernet Sauvignon. The Valleys were also suffering from a heat wave, causing…

Ripe grapes from Blue Grouse Estate Winery

Let’s Talk About BC’s 2016 Harvest with 3 Wine Makers

 mywinepal  December 13, 2016

BC is a large province, with a varied climate from maritime to alpine.  Our grape growing regions for wine production vary from the coast, to slightly inland (think the Fraser Valley), to our hot interior (the Okanagan or Kamloops for example).  With all this variability in climate, you would think that grape harvests would all vary and the wines that…

Welcome to Singletree Winery sign

Singletree Winery – Growing Deeper Roots in Abbotsford BC

 mywinepal  June 22, 2015

For the Etsell family, farming is in their blood, with their roots firmly entrenched in the Fraser Valley; first with turkeys, and now into viticulture and wine making. Their farming roots extend to the label, where they are called “Singletree Winery”. What is a singletree?  It is a wood and iron harness yoke with three iron rings circling a wood…