Category: Lacrima

MyWinePal Top 5 Star Wines

MyWinePal Top 5 Star Rated Red Wines for 2017

 mywinepal  December 29, 2017

As I mentioned in my previous article on my top rated white, sparkling, and fortified wines for 2017, there were so many excellent wines that I tasted this year.  As I review the red wines that I’ve listed below, there are many wines from Italy, in part due to the many visits by Italian wineries to Vancouver this year.  From…

instituo del vino italiano di qualita grandi marchi

Grandi Marchi: Italian Wines in the World in Vancouver

 mywinepal  October 22, 2017

I’d say that this is a top drop event, with wines from Italy only.  The Grandi Marchi, is a collaboration of winemakers across Italy supporting the best qualities and distinct wine making culture of Italy.  All the wineries are family-owned, have been in operation for at least 25 years (some for centuries), own their estate vineyards, are innovators, and much…