Tag: Verdicchio

Gambero Rosso banner

My 10 Wine Picks From Gambero Rosso 2024

 mywinepal  May 14, 2024

Gambero Rosso is the leading platform for the promotion of Italian wine in the world.  Each year they have a tasting of all Italian wines submitted to them and they rank the wines with the top wines given the title of Tre Bicchieri, Three Cups in English.   Last year a selection of people from Gambero Rosso reviewed 2,647 Italian wineries…

Italy Reimagined placemat with wine glasses

Italy Reimagined Seminar at VanWineFest 2024

 mywinepal  March 18, 2024

Although Italy contributes approximately 20% of the world’s wine, it remains a relative mystery to many people, due to unfamiliar grape varieties and wine region names.  Wine journalist and educator Filippo Bartolotta led us exploring the rich history, modern innovation, and the renaissance of Italian classic wine styles shaping the current identity of this historical wine region.  The winery principals…

Grandi Marchi wine tasting seminar

Italy’s Grandi Marchi Visits Vancouver 2023

 mywinepal  October 30, 2023

The Grandi Marchi, is a collaboration of eighteen winemaking families across Italy to promote the culture and commercialization of Italian high-quality wine on world markets.  All the wineries are family-owned, have been in operation for at least 25 years (some for centuries), own their estate vineyards, are innovators, and much more.  We had nine of the eighteen families visiting in Vancouver to…

Taste of Italy poster

A Taste of Italy Visits Vancouver

 mywinepal  March 9, 2023

Last week there was the Taste of Italy celebration held at the Vancouver Lookout downtown.  Wine and Italian cheese, prosciutto, chocolates, and more were there to sample. Here are ten wines that I quite enjoyed at the Taste of Italy.  Some of these wines are currently available in BC.  I marked those wines with a “*”.  The wines without the…

instituo del vino italiano di qualita grandi marchi

Grandi Marchi: Italian Wines in the World in Vancouver

 mywinepal  October 22, 2017

I’d say that this is a top drop event, with wines from Italy only.  The Grandi Marchi, is a collaboration of winemakers across Italy supporting the best qualities and distinct wine making culture of Italy.  All the wineries are family-owned, have been in operation for at least 25 years (some for centuries), own their estate vineyards, are innovators, and much…

Vinitaly International Academy

Bello Bianca Italian White Wines from Vinitaly 2017 Tour

 mywinepal  May 6, 2017

Italy, although a small country in size compared to Canada or the USA produces the most wine in the world.  From Italy there is the range of red, white, rose, sparkling and sweet wines to choose from.  It seems like each time we have #VinItaly coming to Vancouver, there are many more wineries that I have not yet heard of,…

Book Review: Tasting Wine & Cheese by Adam Centamore

 mywinepal  December 6, 2015

Cheese and wine lovers unite and celebrate.  This new book “Tasting Wine & Cheese:  An Insiders Guide to Master the Principles of Pairing” gives great suggestions about wines, cheese, and pairing them together.  It is written by Mr. Adam Centamore, who is a wine and cheese educator in the Boston area.  He has WSET certification on the wine side and…

Italian Wines

Some New Italian Wine Finds for Vancouver?

 mywinepal  November 6, 2014

Italian wines put a smile on my face and many other wine lovers I know.  Grapes that are native to Italy, and not as widespread around the world like Barbera, Nebbiolo, Rondinella and Corvina produce wines that are very interesting and flavourful.  But Italy still has to work hard to get the general wine drinking public knowledgeable about their wines. …