Tag: Bramare

Paul Hobbs

A Few Favourites from the Paul Hobbs Wine Portfolio

 mywinepal  July 11, 2014

California and Argentina.  What does this US State and South American country have in common?  Answer: Paul Hobbs.  Through my interview with Paul, I learned about his love of wine and interest in making interesting wines from interesting regions around the world.  Having a northern hemisphere and a southern hemisphere harvest each year gives Paul the chance to refine his…

Stellers Jay sparkling wines on ice

My Favourite Wines from A-Z at the Vancouver International Wine Fest 2014

 mywinepal  March 29, 2014

A daunting task, picking my favourite wines from a total of 1750 wines being poured at the Vancouver International Wine Festival.  Thankfully I was able to visit the Acura International Festival Tasting Room 4 times as Media, splitting time between France and the rest of the world.  I have already covered my favourite French wines in a separate article.  In…

Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Festival – World Wine Reviews

 mywinepal  April 20, 2011

This Part 2 of my review of my picks from the Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Festival.  Part 1 covered the wines of Spain.  Part 2 is the rest of the world. Again, there are so many wines at the tasting, and so little time, I’m sure I missed many great wines.  If you tasted some that I didn’t list, please…