Tag: Monte del Fra

Monte del Frà Amarone della Valpolicella Classico 2018 with wine in glass

Quick Review: Monte del Fra Amarone della Valpolicella Classico 2018PR SAMPLE 

 mywinepal  November 11, 2024

As we get into our cold, dark, winter days, many of us gravitate toward fuller-bodied red wines and deeper, more savoury dishes.  I received this bottle of Monte del Frà Amarone della Valpolicella Classico 2018 to sample for you.  Amarone sits at the top of the deeper, fuller-bodied red wines of Valpolicella.  There is quite a process to create Amarone…

Monte del Fra wines

Two Monte del Fra Wines For Our Rainy DaysPR SAMPLE 

 mywinepal  November 4, 2024

Monte Del Frá, from the Verona region of Italy for the past 60+ years has produced wines from indigenous grapes; both red and white grapes. Verona is a province within the Veneto wine region in Northeast Italy. They make two fun wines I’ve written about in the past, but bringing it up again as they are fun wines, easy to…

Marica Bonomo from Monte del Fra

A Video Interview with Marica Bonomo from Monte del Fra at VanWineFest 2024

 mywinepal  March 12, 2024

The Lake Garda region in Italy, on the western edge of the Veneto region, shares some of the same grape varieties as Valpolicella but is not as well known.  The region makes a tasty white wine blend, known as Custoza, and a red blend called Bardolino, plus a few other types of wines.  I was fortunate to interview winery owner,…

Monte del Fra Chiaretto di Bardolino, Ripasso Classico Superiore, and Amarone Classico Superiore

Taste the Wines Once Made by Monks via Monte del Fra at VanWineFest 2024

 mywinepal  November 27, 2023

Wineries change hands over time, but you do not often hear of a winery with a vineyard going from monks to lay people.  Monte del Frà is one of those wineries and we are lucky to have the winery attending VanWineFest 2024.  Their wines are in our market already, but you can get a chance to speak with a winery…

Monte del Frá Ca del Magro Custoza DOC Superiore 2020 and Bardolino DOC 2021

Try Monte del Frá Wines from Italy Before VanWineFest 2024PR SAMPLE 

 mywinepal  November 10, 2023

The theme country for the Vancouver International Wine Festival 2024 is Italy.  If you have not yet checked out the website to see the participating wineries, I can tell you that Monte del Frá will be pouring their wines for you from the area bordering the south and east of Lake Garda and west of Verona.  The red grapes from…

Molto Bene Vino from Monte Del Fra

 mywinepal  October 17, 2016

Indigenous grapes excite me.  Learning about these grapes and their flavours and aromas make wine tasting interesting.  We can travel around the world and sample Cabernet Sauvignon, and it will in general have a very similar flavour and aroma profile, depending if you are in a cooler or a warmer climate.  Indigenous grapes, that are from their original country and…

A flight of Valpolicella wines at Vancouver International Wine Festival

VanWineFest – My Top Veneto Wine Picks

 mywinepal  March 6, 2016  2 Comments on VanWineFest – My Top Veneto Wine Picks

Veneto is a region in Northeastern Italy that has a wide range of wines and styles that you probably have tasted and enjoyed, but never knew where it came from.  When people say “Chianti“, you probably think Tuscany, but if someone says “Prosecco” or “Amarone“, does Veneto jump to the tip of your lips?  Veneto makes a range of wonderful…

Barbera cluster (By Agne27 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons)

Do You Like Barbera? Try Some at the VanWineFest!

 mywinepal  February 16, 2016

Italy has a plethora of indigenous grapes.  Some maybe well known to you, like Sangiovese or Nebbiolo, but others, like Barbera may not be too familiar.  I would like to let you know a little bit about the red Barbera grape, as many Italian wineries will be pouring wine for you from this grape during the International Festival tasting during…

VanWineFest Italia

CinCin – What to Expect at the VanWineFest 2016

 mywinepal  January 14, 2016

February 20, 2016 is the first day for the Vancouver International Wine Festival this year.  We are just about a month away.  Did you know that the tickets for events are open to the public?  Many events are sold out already, but if you buy sooner rather than later, you still have a chance at other events. One event that…