Can You Put Monte Creek Ranch Winery Together?

Do you enjoy puzzles?  How about helping Monte Creek Ranch located in Kamloops, BC, put their winery back together?  Enjoy this interactive puzzle of the winery.  I took this picture last summer 2019.

Here is my photo to help you along.

Monte Creek Ranch winery
Monte Creek Ranch winery

Author: mywinepal
Drink Good Wine. That is my motto and I really want to help you drink good wine. What is good wine? That can be a different thing for each people. Food also loves wine so I also cover food and wine pairings, restaurant reviews, and world travel. Enjoy life with me. MyWinePal was started by Karl Kliparchuk, WSET. I spent many years with the South World Wine Society as the President and then cellar master. I love to travel around the world, visiting wine regions and sharing my passion for food & wine with you. Come live vicariously through me, and enjoy all my recommended wines.