Tag: scale

100 point scale

MyWinePal’s Definitive 100 Point Scale Revealed

 mywinepal  January 8, 2017

I’ve rallied against the 100 point wine rating scale, like Don Quixote who tilted against windmills. But as his quest fails, so maybe the 100 point wine rating scale rules. But what do the numbers in the 100 point wine rating scale mean?  As my contribution to wine critics everywhere, I diligently put together a point by point rating reference….

What’s Wrong with Wine Ratings?

 mywinepal  April 8, 2013

There are two sides to every fence, to every coin, to every argument.  This also holds true for wine ratings.  I am on the side of not giving a wine I taste a rating on a 100 point scale.  I prefer to describe the wine I tasted, it’s style, if it may pair with some food, etc.  Other people prefer…