Tag: wine

Wine and food celebration

The 2024 New Year Mixed Case Quiz

 mywinepal  January 6, 2024

Instead of starting the New Year with a quiz on one topic, I thought I’d give you a “mixed case” to savour.  There are questions about wine, spirits, and food pairing.  So you need to be a well-rounded epicurean.  Also, I will be posting quizzes this year every other week.  Have fun with this 5-question quiz.

Sting_in_April_2018 (Image courtesy commons.wikimedia.org)

Are You Celebrity Wine Knowledgeable? Take the Quiz.

 mywinepal  September 23, 2023

Over the past few decades, the allure of winemaking has transcended the boundaries of traditional vineyards, attracting a constellation of stars from various domains. Celebrities from the world of music, culinary arts, sports, and entertainment are planting their roots in the earthy realms of viticulture. Notable singers like Sting, Madonna, and Dave Matthews have uncorked their passion for wine by…

The Right amount from Wine Growers Canada

What is The Right Amount of Wine?

 mywinepal  January 4, 2022  1 Comment on What is The Right Amount of Wine?

When we are enjoying a glass of wine or other alcoholic beverage we need to keep in mind how much alcohol is in the drink and how much we can drink to stay safe and sober.  I came across Wine Growers Canada that gives us some guidance to enjoying a standard drink, of whatever you libation and how to enjoy…

Karl MyWinePal at the Burrowing Owl Estate Winery vineyards

MyWinePal Wine Article Coverage and More for 2021

 mywinepal  December 13, 2021

Have you ever wondered how much work you’ve done in a year on your job or hobby?  I’ve written many wine articles this year, and in previous years, but never really counted to see how many articles I’ve written and how to classify them.  I thought I’d try it this year and see if there are any surprises.  For most…

BC Hospitality Foundation logo

How You Can Enjoy Wine, Beer, or Spirits and Support the BC Hospitality Foundation

 mywinepal  May 8, 2020

As you may know hospitality workers in BC have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.  They can fortunately get CERB money from the Federal government.  But there are also hospitality workers that suffer from severe illness and need more support.  This is where the BC Hospitality Foundation comes in.  Donations to the BCHF go towards hospitality workers facing financial…

Canadian wine exports 2014 2018

Canadian Wine Exports Visualized

 mywinepal  April 11, 2020

Canada.  We are a small wine-producing nation.  Other countries like France and Italy dwarf our production.  Even regions within a country, like California, outproduce all the wine we make in Canada.  But we make wine.  I downloaded the XLS wine export sales data for Canada from the Canadian Vintners Association and thought if I put the data on a map…

Vineyards around Constantia (Image courtesy Wines of South Africa)

A South African Wine Tour Not To Be Missed November 2020

 mywinepal  May 9, 2019

Wine has been produced in South Africa since 1659, that is a lot longer than wines made in North America.  2059 will be 400 years of winemaking for South Africa. They have had time to figure out their terroir; to know which grapes grow best in different parts of the country.  South African wine is in general neither as austere…

Galiano Island Wine and Beer Festival

The 2019 Galiano Wine & Beer Tasting Festival on August 10 2019

 mywinepal  April 17, 2019

Have you ever been to Galiano Island or needed an excuse to go to Galiano Island?  Reading my posts, I assume you are a wine lover.  On August 10 you can go to Galiano Island to celebrate their Wine & Beer tasting festival.  Below is the announcement from the Festival.  Enjoy! ~~~ THE 2019 GALIANO WINE & BEER TASTING FESTIVAL…

A tulip shaped wine glass

Parts of a Wine Glass Quiz

 mywinepal  February 4, 2019

How familiar are you with the parts that make up a wine glass?  Try this drag and drop quiz.  No checking on Google ahead of time!

Celebrate National Aboriginal Day’s 20th Anniversary with Nk’Mip Cellars and Indigenous Inspired Cuisine on June 21, 2016

 mywinepal  June 10, 2016

It’s time to celebrate Aboriginal culture and wine. You can enjoy both on June 21st. Please read the following press release that I received. Enjoy. ~~~ Osoyoos, B.C. (June 9, 2016) – On June 21,Canadians are invited to celebrate National Aboriginal Day‘s 20th anniversary by raising a glass of expertly crafted wine from North America’s first Aboriginal owned and operated winery, Nk’Mip Cellars….