Tag: Pecorino

Cristiana Tiberio

Tasting Wines with Cristiana Tiberio at Pepino’s Spaghetti House

 mywinepal  May 17, 2024

I was fortunate to be invited to taste the wines made by Cristiana Tiberio at a lunch seminar held at Pepino’s Spaghetti House on Commercial Drive. From the winery, “Agricola Tiberio is a family-owned estate, specializing in wines made from authentic Abruzzo native grape varieties. The story of Agricola Tiberio began in 2000 when Riccardo Tiberio purchased the eight-hectare plot…

Italian white wines at VanWineFest 2024

My Italian Sparkling and White Wine Picks at VanWineFest 2024

 mywinepal  March 5, 2024

71 Italian wineries presented their wines at VanWineFest 2024.  With each winery pouring 5 different wines, we had 355 wines to sip and savour in the International Festival Tasting Room.  I spent my Thursday tasting white and sparkling wines and Friday tasting the red wines.  In this article, I cover my favourite white and sparkling wines.  In some cases, there…

IVSA Jan 2023

The First IVSA Trade Tasting for 2023 – My Wine Picks

 mywinepal  February 2, 2023  2 Comments on The First IVSA Trade Tasting for 2023 – My Wine Picks

This week we had our first Trade tasting of new wines or new vintages of wines, plus spirits with the IVSA.  I decided to concentrate on white and sparkling wines for this event, as I had a shorter time to taste that day.  Below are some of the wines that I enjoyed and hope you will find them soon, if…

Casale del Giglio wine label

Casale del Giglio from Lazio to Vancouver

 mywinepal  June 1, 2020

Who is Casale del Giglio? Have you heard of Casale del Giglio?  They are an iconic brand located 50km south of Rome that is well known in Rome and Lazio.  Of interest is that they are working with the almost forgotten indigenous vines of Lazio. These include coastal varieties such as the Biancolella of Ponza, the Bellone of Anzio, and the…

VanWineFest 2020 logo

My VanWineFest 2020 Public Events Selections

 mywinepal  January 5, 2020  2 Comments on My VanWineFest 2020 Public Events Selections

Tickets to the Vancouver International Wine Festival events sell very quickly and you can miss out on some great events.  All Festival events are very good but depend on what you are interested in doing, like attending a dinner, a seminar, or a mingler.  I thought I’d give you my suggestions, based on my interests in seminars and dinners primarily,…

Wine Meridian

Wine Meridian Italian Wine Tasting Tour

 mywinepal  October 20, 2017

Wine Meridian a web-based wine magazine celebrating Italian wine dropped by Vancouver this week with 20+ wineries and some of their wines from across Italy to sample.  From Piemonte to Puglia, from Sicilia to Veneto, we had plenty of interesting wines to try. I worked my way through Prosecco and other sparkling wines, through many interesting white wines made with…

Zaccagnini logo

Visit Cantina Zaccagnini at Vancouver International Wine Fest 2016

 mywinepal  November 16, 2015

The Zaccagnini are a very modest family who started with only few and small pieces of land in Abruzzo (east central Italy) and now own 300 hectares.  They started in the 1960’s to sell their grapes and were known as the family that owned the most long lasting quality grapes due to their location in Abruzzo. When customers had troubles…

Italy flag

A Taste of Italian Wines, A Hint of What is Yet to Come

 mywinepal  November 4, 2015

How many wine regions are there in Italy?  You can probably think of Tuscany, Piemonte, and Veneto, but there are many more.  In total, Italy has 20 wine regions.  These regions are (from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_wine): Aosta Valley Piemonte Liguria Lombardia Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Friuli-Venezia Giulia Veneto Emilia-Romagna Toscana Marche Umbria Lazio Sardinia Abruzzo Molise Campania Basilicata Puglia Calabria Sicily These regions are…