Tag: New Mexico

USA seminar wines at DISH

DISHing Up the Tastiest Wines from the Western USA

 mywinepal  May 16, 2019

DISH stands for Drink, Indulge, Savour, Help.  The DISH event supports the BC Hospitality Foundation.  Many of the BCHF’s beneficiaries have been in accidents or illnesses which necessitated financial support.  This is the 9th annual event and over the years the BCHF has helped 217 beneficiaries and granted scholarships to 188 students in the hospitality, culinary arts, beverage, sommelier and…

VanWineFest Italia

CinCin – What to Expect at the VanWineFest 2016

 mywinepal  January 14, 2016

February 20, 2016 is the first day for the Vancouver International Wine Festival this year.  We are just about a month away.  Did you know that the tickets for events are open to the public?  Many events are sold out already, but if you buy sooner rather than later, you still have a chance at other events. One event that…