Tag: movie

The Unofficial Big Lebowski Cocktail Book

Book Review: The Unofficial Big Lebowski Cocktail Book

 mywinepal  February 20, 2023

Having an adult beverage while bowling is common, although many people you will see may have a beer.  But in some cases, you may see a cocktail.  In part we have cocktail culture expanding everywhere, but I hope we see cocktails spread into the bowling alleys, thanks to the movie, The Big Lebowski, and now this book, The Unofficial Big…

Very Old Tawny – Kingsman Edition

An Honour to Taste Taylor Fladgate Very Old Tawny Port – Kingsman Edition

 mywinepal  February 11, 2021

Did you know that during wartime in the past that Port wine was supplied to British armies and that Port was considered essential for soldiers’ morale?  One of the largest supplier of port to the soldiers was Taylor Fladgate.  It is with that in mind that the idea for a rare, Port wine Kingsman edition, was born between Taylor Fladgate…

movie film

Movie Critics vs Wine Critics Ratings?

 mywinepal  July 5, 2016  2 Comments on Movie Critics vs Wine Critics Ratings?

Movies and wines have many things in common.  There are different types or styles of movies such as: romance action horror comedy Similarly with wine we have, for example: red white rose sparkling fortified Movies and wines also share something else in common; ratings.  Before you go to a movie, you may have watched a movie critic on TV or…