Tag: duckhorn

VanWineFest 2020 logo

My VanWineFest 2020 Public Events Selections

 mywinepal  January 5, 2020  2 Comments on My VanWineFest 2020 Public Events Selections

Tickets to the Vancouver International Wine Festival events sell very quickly and you can miss out on some great events.  All Festival events are very good but depend on what you are interested in doing, like attending a dinner, a seminar, or a mingler.  I thought I’d give you my suggestions, based on my interests in seminars and dinners primarily,…

Vintage Corks logo

Top Drops at Vintage Corks Tasting

 mywinepal  October 3, 2018

If you have ever attended the Top Drop tastings in Vancouver, you will have experienced many 4.5 to 5 star wines according to my rating scale.  I recently attended a portfolio tasting by Vintage Corks, and this tasting was in that same quality range.  Vintage Corks offers premium wines from US, Italy, Canada and more.  You can find Vintage Corks’…

California Wine Fair 2008

 mywinepal  September 25, 2010

The California Wine Fair visited Vancouver on April 2. There was a wide range of wines from cheap and cheerful, up to collectible wines for special occasions to sample. There were at least 120 different wineries, each with several wines to sample. Just not enough time to visit them all! A few personal observations. I noticed many good quality bottles…