Tag: docg

Wine Meridian

Wine Meridian Italian Wine Tasting Tour

 mywinepal  October 20, 2017

Wine Meridian a web-based wine magazine celebrating Italian wine dropped by Vancouver this week with 20+ wineries and some of their wines from across Italy to sample.  From Piemonte to Puglia, from Sicilia to Veneto, we had plenty of interesting wines to try. I worked my way through Prosecco and other sparkling wines, through many interesting white wines made with…

MyWinePal’s Picks from the Import Vintners & Spirits Association Tasting – Feb 2011

 mywinepal  February 13, 2011

This week I attended the IVSA‘s latest tastings of new wine and spirits in the Vancouver area. There was at least 70 different tables from my quick count, with each table offering 5-10 different wines. As such, I was not able to try everything offered, but hopefully I was able to find a few gems, which I can pass along…

MyWinePal Attends Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Fair – Part 2

 mywinepal  September 26, 2010

In Part 1 of my attendance at the Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Fair, I reviewed wines of New Zealand and Argentina. Here in Part 2, I’ll cover the rest of the world (or at least parts that I had a chance to taste)! If you like Italian wines, Altesino is a nice coice. I particularly liked their Brunello di Montalcino…