Tag: book review

Vintage Crime: A Short History of Wine Fraud by Rebecca Gibb

Book Review: Vintage Crime by Rebecca Gibb

 mywinepal  January 4, 2024

Rebecca Gibb is a Master of Wine and an award-winning wine journalist, who spends her knowledge of wine and researching for writing to educate us on the history of wine tampering from Roman times to the present.  Her newest book is “Vintage Crime: A Short History of Wine Fraud“, which could be a historical thriller set in Europe in the…

The Wine List

Book Review: The Wine List by Grant Reynolds

 mywinepal  October 20, 2023

Grant Reynolds is a sommelier in the USA who worked for top restaurants that cared about the wines they served.  This helped push Grant to travel to Europe to meet with winemakers and learn more about exceptional wines. Grant’s “The Wine List” is his accounting of what he asserts are the most remarkable vintages of wines going back to the…

The Unofficial Big Lebowski Cocktail Book

Book Review: The Unofficial Big Lebowski Cocktail Book

 mywinepal  February 20, 2023

Having an adult beverage while bowling is common, although many people you will see may have a beer.  But in some cases, you may see a cocktail.  In part we have cocktail culture expanding everywhere, but I hope we see cocktails spread into the bowling alleys, thanks to the movie, The Big Lebowski, and now this book, The Unofficial Big…

Wine Time book cover

Book Review: Wine Time: 70+ Recipes for Simple Bites That Pair Perfectly With Wine

 mywinepal  February 1, 2023

Barbara Scott-Goodman is “a cookbook author, food writer, and content creator and an art director and designer of cookbooks, lifestyle books, food publications, videos, and websites…” and I am glad I stumbled across her book, Wine Time: 70+ Recipes for Simple Bits That Pair Perfectly With Wine.  Have you ever been invited to a party and asked to bring an…

New Mocktails Bible

A Request for Mocktails for Diabetics and Others in Canadian Restaurants

 mywinepal  October 13, 2022

I recently noticed the book, “New Mocktails Bible” by Editors of Fox Chapel Publishing and decided to read and review it for you.  Hopefully, this book will find its way into many mixologists’ libraries of drinks.   I drink wine, beer, and alcohol-based cocktails, but sometimes I am with other people that don’t for various reasons, such as diabetics, athletes in…

Dragonvine, A Novel by Steven Laine

Book Review: Dragonvine, A Novel by Steven Laine

 mywinepal  May 3, 2022

Steven Laine is a fiction writer with WSET III, FWS, IWS, SWS, CWS, and Champagne Academy credentials.  He writes his fiction around some aspect of wine.  His previous novel, Root Cause, covered what could happen if a new type of louse was attacking vineyard vines, like phylloxera did in the 1800s.  Steven brings his knowledge of wine and food into…

Cocktails, Mocktails and Garnishes from the Garden

Book Review: Cocktails, Mocktails and Garnishes from the Garden by Katie Stryjewski

 mywinepal  March 16, 2021

Cocktail culture has been going on for quite a few years, and even with COVID, I am betting that many people are making cocktails at home now.  And looking forward to going out for cocktails with friends and family. When you make cocktails at home, do you consider your garden as part of a cocktail recipe?  It can be. In…

Root Cause by Steven Laine cover

Book Review: “Root Cause” a Novel by Steven Laine

 mywinepal  February 22, 2019

I have traveled to many wine-producing countries; New and Old World; Northern and Southern hemisphere, and it is always a pleasure to visit the wineries, speak with the owners about their wines, and getting a tour of the winery and vineyards.  In part, this is what you get to experience with this novel by Steven Laine, a Canadian with a wine background…

50 Ways to Love Wine More book cover

Book Review: 50 Ways to Love Wine More by Jim Laughren, CWE

 mywinepal  October 19, 2018

We all are at different spots on our wine journey.  Some have just stepped their toes in, while others have been swimming for many years, splashing about.  But there is always something new that we can try or learn, which can help us to enjoy some aspect of wine more.  I recently received an advanced copy of Jim Laughren, CWE’s,…

Pairing Food & Wine for Dummies

My Pairing Food & Wine For Dummies Book Review

 mywinepal  February 24, 2013

There are Dummies books for everything, from using Microsoft Word, to growing roses, and now for pairing food & wine.  I don’t consider myself a dummy in the food & wine pairing realm, having spent many years in the South World Wine Society executive, taking WSET courses, and attending many wine and food pairing seminars over the year.  But I…