Tag: Bodegas Salentein

Argentina flag

Argentina Wineries & Principals at the Vancouver International Wine Festival

 mywinepal  April 2, 2023

When you attend the Vancouver International Wine Festival 2023 this month, the International Festival Tasting Room will have winery principals attending.  You have a chance to talk to them about their winery and their wines.  This is an opportunity you should not pass up.  Why did a winery make a sparkling wine or used whole-cluster fermentation for a wine, etc? …

Michel Torino Cuma Organic Torrontes, Tilimuiqui Torrontes, Susana Balbo Wines Crios Torrontes, and Familia Zuccardi Q Chardonnay

Torrontes, Malbec, and More Argentina Wine Treasures

 mywinepal  May 22, 2018

  Dish N’ Dazzle is a yearly event where Argentinean wineries come to BC to show off their wines and some local Vancouver restaurants offer tasty bites from their menus. The event supports the BC Hospitality Foundation charity.  A few of the wines that were brought for us to enjoy are 2017 Argentina Wine Award winners.  Malbecs are definitely at the fore,…

MyWinePal Attends Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Fair – Part 1

 mywinepal  September 26, 2010  1 Comment on MyWinePal Attends Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Fair – Part 1

I really looked forward to the Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Fair this year as they had two theme countries: New Zealand and Argentina. Both are southern hemisphere countries, with different climates and styles of wines that they produce. New Zealand having renowned cooler climate pinot noirs and white aromatic wines, while Argentina is known for their big Malbecs, but also…