Tag: Bodega Garzon

MyWinePal Top 4.5-5 Star Wines

MyWinePal’s Top 4.5 – 5 Star and 5 Star Wines for 2023

 mywinepal  December 14, 2023

This year I had many terrific wines to taste and review.  Wines that I rate as 5 star I deem as needing nothing to add or subtract.  They are perfect as-is.  I had one wine that reached that status this year so instead of making a separate article for that wine, I am including it in this article.  My 4.5-5…

Mele Sosa

Talking Albarino With Mele Sosa from Bodega Garzon at VanWineFest 2023

 mywinepal  May 27, 2023

What do you know about the wines from Uruguay?  One winery that has consistently been attending the  Vancouver International Wine Festival is Bodega Garzón.  I have enjoyed speaking with Mele Sosa from Bodega Garzón about their wines and tasting them as well for several years.  Uruguay is well-known for red wines made from the Tannat grape, but they also produce…

Sabor Sudamericano sign

Closing VanWineFest 2023 with Sabor Sudamericano

 mywinepal  May 21, 2023

On my last day at the Vancouver International Wine Festival 2023, I attended the Sabor Sudamericano grazing lunch where all participating South American wineries gathered and poured their wines by a selection of South American dishes were being served, and we listened to live music by a Latin band.  It was the best way to end the Festival in my…

International tasting room

More Quality Wines from VanWineFest 2023

 mywinepal  May 4, 2023

In my previous article, I talked about the top wines that I tasted at the International Festival Tasting Room during VanWineFest 2023.  Those were wines that are in my 4.5 – 5 star range. But as I checked my notes, I saw that I had many enjoyable wines in the 4 – 4.5 star range.  Below are my tasting notes…

VanWineFest 2022 welcome banner

VanWineFest 2022: All My Articles In One Place

 mywinepal  June 12, 2022

VanWineFest 2022 was a feat in getting all the components in motion to get wineries, agents, and wines into Vancouver after a 2-year hiatus.  I am thankful for everyone that worked so hard to make VanWineFest 2022 a reality.  I worked quite hard tasting wines, meeting and interviewing winery principals, and attending a dinner and seminar.  I posted individual articles…

Mele Sosa from Bodega Garzon

A Video Interview with Bodega Garzon from Uruguay at VanWineFest 2022

 mywinepal  June 6, 2022  1 Comment on A Video Interview with Bodega Garzon from Uruguay at VanWineFest 2022

My last video interview at the Vancouver International Wine Festival was with Mele Sosa from Bodega Garzón a winery in Uruguay.  This winery is well-known here for its Tannat and Albariño wines.  Mele has been coming to the VanWineFest for several years.  I have interviewed her in the past and am lucky to be able to interview her this year. …

The Global Cru flight of wines

VanWineFest 2022: The Global Cru Seminar

 mywinepal  May 27, 2022

While the term “Cru” is most often used for the French classification system, the “Cru” concept can apply to any vineyard or group of vineyards recognized for their superior quality. This seminar at the Vancouver International Wine Festival took us on a global journey to some of the wine world’s greatest vineyards to discover what makes their terroir and wines…

A selection of New World wines at VanWineFest 2022

VanWineFest 2022: My New World Wine Selections

 mywinepal  May 25, 2022

At the Vancouver International Wine Festival, I spent time at the International Festival Tasting room on Thursday and Friday to taste as many wines as possible.  I published my Old World wine selections a few days ago and now it is time to give you my New World wine selections.  New World wines are typically categorized as being from the…

VanWineFest 2022 logo

Do You Have Your Tickets for the Vancouver International Wine Festival 2022?

 mywinepal  May 6, 2022

The Vancouver International Wine Festival is almost here.  The last time we had the Festival was two years ago and closed during our COVID crisis, but now it is back and runs from May 16-22.  One of the big attractions for us all is the International Festival Tasting room where wineries from around the world will have tables set up…