Tag: 1884 Limited Production Malbec

the wine world is here

My Recommended Wineries to Try at Vancouver International Wine Festival 2014

 mywinepal  February 20, 2014

February 24, 2014.  That’s the kick off for the Vancouver International Wine Festival.  On Thursday – Saturday in the Acura International Festival Tasting Room you have the opportunity to try wines from near and far; red, white, and pink; sparkling and still; sweet and dry.  But which ones?  Luckily, I have had a chance over the years to try wines from…

MyWinePal Attends Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Fair – Part 1

 mywinepal  September 26, 2010  1 Comment on MyWinePal Attends Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Fair – Part 1

I really looked forward to the Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Fair this year as they had two theme countries: New Zealand and Argentina. Both are southern hemisphere countries, with different climates and styles of wines that they produce. New Zealand having renowned cooler climate pinot noirs and white aromatic wines, while Argentina is known for their big Malbecs, but also…