Category: GIS

Data analysis

Grape Popularity Analysis From the 2023 British Columbia Lieutenant Governor’s Wine Awards

 mywinepal  April 20, 2023

In my previous article, I posted The 2023 British Columbia Lieutenant Governor’s Wine Awards results. But that is just a list.  I was curious to dig deeper into the awards and find out which grape varieties were the most popular.  Here is a data analysis of the results from the Platinum, Gold, and Silver awards combined. We are a cool…

Vineyard management with geospatial technologies (Image courtesy

Satellite Imagery, Drones, and GIS in Vineyard Management

 mywinepal  March 4, 2023

When you think of viticulture, you probably think of people in the vineyards training the vines, thinning foliage, or green harvesting.  But there is more technology being used in vineyard management than you know.  Satellite imagery, drones, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are all tools that are more commonly used by viticulturists.  My career has been in geospatial technologies since…

Canadian wine exports 2014 2018

Canadian Wine Exports Visualized

 mywinepal  April 11, 2020

Canada.  We are a small wine-producing nation.  Other countries like France and Italy dwarf our production.  Even regions within a country, like California, outproduce all the wine we make in Canada.  But we make wine.  I downloaded the XLS wine export sales data for Canada from the Canadian Vintners Association and thought if I put the data on a map…

Karl MyWinePal with Dr. Laura Catena from Bodega Catena Zapata

An Interview with Laura Catena from Bodega Catena Zapata During VanWineFest 2020

 mywinepal  March 20, 2020  1 Comment on An Interview with Laura Catena from Bodega Catena Zapata During VanWineFest 2020

I’ve always been a fan of the wines from Bodega Catena Zapata in Argentina for a long time.  I was first introduced to their wines when I was part of the South World Wine Society in Vancouver.  I did not know much about Argentina or Malbec, but I learned a lot as part of the Society. So it was a…

Pedro Parra at Okanagan Crush Pad in a soil pit

Interviewing Terroir Hunter Pedro Parra from Chile at VanWineFest 2017

 mywinepal  March 18, 2017

Who is Pedro Parra? A French-educated Chilean, who looks at the definition of terroir through the use of modern scientific techniques.  The Old World has many hundreds of years to experiment, but in the New World, we do not have luxury.  From my interview at the Vancouver International Wine Festival, find out how Pedro determines terroir and the best grapes to…