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Will I See You at VanWineFest 2023?

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Argentina, Brasil, Chile, and Uruguay flagsAs a media person, I will be around at many events at the Vancouver International Wine Festival. If you see me, say Hi, Hola, or Olá. Remember that Argentina, Chile, Brasil, and Uruguay are the theme countries this year.

Here is where you can find me:

It will be a full four days, but well worth it.  I look forward to everything that I will learn from the panelists at the seminars, the new friends I will meet at the dinner and grazing lunch, and the winery principals I will get to speak with at the International Festival Tasting. I will be live Instagramming and tweeting, recording video interviews, taking lots of tasting notes, and then writing many articles at the end of the Festival.

Cheers! Salud! Saúde!

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